I have MPU-6050 sensor + arduino nano.
I made some simple program to read raw data from sensor.
I also googled much about Accelerometers and Gyroscopes but I cant understand data from them.
When I start to move my sensor fast (with my hand) data from gyroscope raise quickly from ~300 to few thousands, and in idle data from all axis are almost the same ~200-300.
With accelerometer its different. Data from one axis is around 16000 and others are ~200. When moving, they are changing as rotation changes.
It looks for me that data from gyroscope are mostly like accelerometer-data because they are changing with acceleration of sensor and data from accelerometer are like gyroscope-data because they change just with rotation of the sensor.
What am I doing wrong? From which (gyro or accel.) should I read real acceleration of module?
The accelerometer reports acceleration values along each axis, including the acceleration due to gravity (1 g).
The gyro reports the rate of rotation (degrees per second) around each of the axes.
The actual units of measurement (the "sensitivity values") depend on the MPU-6050 settings, and are described in the MPU-6050 data sheet.
Thanks for your quick reply!
You helped me a lot. I thought gyro should measure degrees but its degrees per second. Now I understand.
Thanks for your quick reply!
You helped me a lot. I thought gyro should measure degrees but its degrees per second. Now I understand.
It's a rate gyro and it expresses the rate of angular change.
Thanks for your quick reply!
You helped me a lot. I thought gyro should measure degrees but its degrees per second. Now I understand.
You can calculate the angle by multiplying the rate of change between measurements, and the time elapsed between the measurements, and summing them up. The gyros will often overshoot, and be very prone to drift.
Paul McWhorter is doing a good tutorial on that on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTFBW-Mm4b0. You can get the code from his page, or follow along on the video.
If you want accurate bank and pitch values, you will need to use gyros, acellerometers and magnetometers, and make them interact in an AHRS....i am fighting with just that in my other thread.