I've read about the functions (methods?) in ledControl.h. I still cannot grasp which to use/when.
The sample sketch I found via a link in a tutorial here on Arduino, uses these three and some others to demonstate them.
I cannot tell when to use hex or a character. I cannot tell when to use a numeral in setChar vs. an alpha letter.
I don't even understand how Row and Column are applicable to the 7-segment display when these appear to be for the LED Matrix.
(Yes, you're hearing my frustration.)
Would someone please point me to a complete tutorial or two? Ones that explain all the library functions (methods?) in maximum detail?
And if we do, you will just say "no, I've read that one already" like we should have known that. So why don't you tell us which one(s) you've read?
I'm only aware of one tutorial about led control library, the one on the arduino playground.
To answer some of your questions, yes, the setRow() and setColumn() methods are for use with matrices and the setChar() and setDigit() are for use with 7-seg displays.
The setDigit() method can only display digits 0 to 9. The seChar() method can display some letters like 'H', 'E', 'L', 'P'. Using setDigit(n, 3) has the same effect as using setChar(n, '3'). Use whichever is more convenient in your sketch.