Hi, I'm currently working on the beginners-robotics project, and was looking for some quick help with 1 problem.
Basically, we are using a webcam and a few servos to create a device that follows motion. We have an idea of how to approach most of the steps, but don't know how we can send a signal to an Arduino, to have it do something based on that signal. We are processing the webcam(s) on a laptop, using Visual Basic. I'm just wondering, how can we send a signal to an Arduino, that it can process? It doesn't have to be a complex signal, we basically just need to send X and Y coordinates (Possibly Z) to the Arduino, in the form of 3 variables.
I know that the Arduino can "connect" to the computer with the Serial cable, but so far, I've only used that to open the Serial monitor (Outputs from Arduino, inputs into computer), but I need to know how to do it the other way around (Doesn't have to use the serial cable, can use pins or etc).
Hardware: Laptop (Yet to be defined, possibly an old Dell), Arduino (Possibly a Mega 2560, maybe an Uno if we find out we don't need as much power)
Software: Arduino environment, Visual Basic