UNO+WiFi R3 ATmega328P+ESP8266 gpio bypass data

I have this chinese board... UNO+WiFi R3 ATmega328P+ESP8266.
It is running Tasmota in the ESP8266.

I am trying to transfer some data from my OpenEnergy Monitor shield in Arduino directly to ESP8266. Is there any way to bypass data read in Arduino GPIO direct to ESP8266 GPIO? Or even redirect from Ardunio´s GPIOX to ESP8266´s GPIOY?

No, shield connections are hard wired to the 328P I/O pins. Robodyn website hosts details, but it seems the site is down ATM. I see a header for the ESP pins. I think that's all you get.

I found a readable version of the diagram here:

Not sure whether this helps, but the on-board DIP switches can select which device (UNO or ESP8266) is connected to the computer over USB, or whether to connect the UNO and ESP8266 together:
^esp8266 - DIP switches on RobotDyn Uno+WiFi - Arduino Stack Exchange
I am uncertain as to whether this selects which device is connected to the Rx/Tx pins and hence to the shield.

Hi… thanks for the information.

I am already able to transfer data between UNO and ESP8266 using Rx/Tx, just turning ON switches 1 and 2, than using “Serial.print”.

My idea was to receive data in Arduino (analogRead(X)) and send it to ESP8266 (analogWrite(Y)). However, I am not sure how to send collected data from Arduino to ESP8266.

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