Guys I need help with this 28 pin lc5623-11 displayer. I need to show an up down counter with sign in these displays.
i have downloaded the library from github as:
but still i am unable to work with this display.
this is the code i am using with this library.
/* SevSeg Counter Example
Copyright 2014 Dean Reading
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
This example demonstrates a very simple use of the SevSeg library with a 4
digit display. It displays a counter that counts up, showing deci-seconds.
#include "SevSeg.h"
SevSeg sevseg; //Instantiate a seven segment controller object
void setup() {
byte numDigits = 1;
byte digitPins[] = {2, 3, 4, 5};
byte segmentPins[] = {31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38};
sevseg.begin(COMMON_CATHODE, numDigits, digitPins, segmentPins);
void loop() {
sevseg.refreshDisplay(); // Must run repeatedly
/// END ///
Just to simply test the 7 segs.
but all i get is a half eight all the time.
i dont want to shoe the '+' sign but want to show the '-' sign.
and from 31-37-38 it a-g-dp
i do want to show the point value too. like 13.5
and half eight like the upper bubble only of 8
So when you run that code you only get segments a, b, f & g lit up, is that right? And on all three displays as well?
What happens when you set the display to be different things?
It does suggest you have wired things up wrong which is why I asked how you wired it up.
I don't think that the libary you are using can just display a - sign, that is just segment g.
No, i have wired just one digit right now.
i dont get lid up C and E, while the rest are always lid. they dont even change.
And yes, the wiring I have done is simply from 31-37 as a-g and 38 for dp(dot point).
and yes i dont mind just lighting up the segment G for '-' sign.
yes i dont mind just lighting up the segment G for '-' sign.
The point is that the library you are using does not allow that to happen.
OK last time and then I am out of here.
When I ask how you have wired it up I expect a schematic, not a physical layout diagram ( Ftrizing ) not a list of what you have wired but a schematic.
Thank you. Now I can see what you have done wrong.
The 7447 is a BCD to seven segment decoder but the library you are using is doing that for you so you are in effect doing a double decode which is messing up what you see.
One thing that is puzzling me is that you say you used:-
the wiring I have done is simply from 31-37 as a-g and 38 for dp(dot point).
Which implies a mega, however your schematic is for a Uno.
Sure i want help, but i dont have a proper schematic, I am doing it practically. I made that schematic to convey you the way i am connecting my wired with SSD.
Look I can't make anything without a schematic, so what makes you think you can?
What ever it is that makes you think you can, you are wrong, you can't. Attempting to do so is wasting your own time.
I am doing it practically.
When I was at school, many years ago now, there was this metal work teacher who used to say "you can make anything you like, as long as you can draw it, if you can't draw it how on earth do you expect to be able to make it." It is the same with electronics, anything none trivial need a schematic, so you can check what you have against it and you can ask for advice using it.
What you posted has no current limiting on the LED segments. Is that how you wired it up?
If so you need to put some in ASAP.
What you posted also has no pin numbers on the display so I can't check that is wired up correctly.
So next ( after you have put in the resistors ) you need to check if you have wired up the display correctly. Just write a short sketch that puts one of the segments pins high in turn with a short delay between them. If the segments do not light up in turn then they are not wired up correctly.
Sure you are right. Here is what i Am doing. Pls ignore the rest of the pins. I just showed the concerned ones.(35-42).
And i just did what u said, yea i can get a segment to work but no i can not make a digit work my way.
Thanks very much for doing the schematic. It has ruled out a lot.
I have reproduced what you have done and there is something wrong with that library. I am trying to fix it now and I hope to post something later on tonight that should sort it out.
It turns out that you can not connect it up like you have done. You must wire the common cathode connection to the Digit output, even if you only have one digit wired up.
However the maximum current you can sink with a pin directly is about 30mA. At 40mA you start getting damage done to the Arduino's output pin. This means that with a 330R resistor and a green display you will get just over 42mA being sunk when all segments are on. With a red display this will be even bigger. Therefore you must use a transistor on each common cathode. When you do this the configuration you set in the sevseg.begin( should not be COMMON_CATHODE but should be N_TRANSISTORS
Connect the transistor like shown in the attached diagram.