Upload HEX files to SAMD boards without IDE?

Is it possible to upload a compiled hex file to a SAMD board without the IDE? AVRdude, Xloader etc don't seem to support SAMD boards!

I tried BOSSA but can't get it to even run without crashing.

I've made some arduino based projects for friends and want them to be able to upload the HEX files without having to compile sketches using Arduino IDE.


the IDE uses avrdude.

upload your code with "Show verbose output during:" with "upload" checked to see how it it invoked

It doesn't but thankyou, youv'e pointed me in the right direction as I hadn't noticed that I only had verbose on compile.

bossac.exe -i -d --port=COM4 -U true -i -e -w -v C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_40970/Sketch.bin -R

the M0 bootloader uses avrdude and hex. the MKR and Zero bootloader uploads bin file with bossac

you have to reset the SAMD to bootloader before the upload. with double reset

Thankyou so much! The double reset worked a treat and now I can use the BOSSA GUI aswell!

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