I want to use a PS4 contoller with an Arduino to controll two motors for a tank that im making. The problem that im facing is finding a solution for converting the signal from the controller so that I can get a read-out of the joystick and button values, and later use those values to send a PWM signal to the ESC's.
The chain of signal will look like this:
PS4 controller --> USB host board (This is the part that im stuggeling with) --> Arduino Uno ---> nRF24L01(transmitter) --> nRF24L01(reciever) --> Arduino Due --> ESC
Thus far I have found four possible solutions, but id like to hear your opinions.
Hobbytronics USB Host Controller Board V2.4
This board looks to be made for this use case, so it might be the best option if you guys dont have any other sugestions. -
USB host shield from Amazon
I have found multiple USB host shields on Amazon, but they all seam to be cheap knock-offs where you need to replace one of the onboard chips, and I really dont feel like doing this unless absolutly necessary. Unless anyone has found someone selling reliable host shields, this probably wont be the solution. -
Connecting to a ESP32
I have read that you can connect a PS4 controller straight to a ESP32 (instead of using a USB host board and Arduino Uno) like a feather or similar with the onboard bluetooth and use the PS4BT library, but im unsure whether or not you can send data with the nRF24L01 at the same time as using the onboard bluetooth. -
Something like this https://no.farnell.com/ftdi/eval232r/usb-to-rs232-evaluation-module/dp/1146041?pf_custSiteRedirect=true
I dont know much about this yet, so I dont really know if it does what I want at all.
Note: I live in Norway, so something that ships from somewhere close would be preferable. I also probably dont have time to wait for the part to ship from places like China.