Usb Host (Due) support for mass storage devices (thumbdrives)

I cannot find any libraries to connect a USB thumb drive to the native USB port of the Arduino Due.

I have an on going project that involves controlling some test equipment and I would like to create report files (xxxxx.txt) on a USB thumb drive to be printed on a PC.

The USBhost library only has examples for mouse and keyboard.

I would very much appreciate any suggestions on how to achieve this feature.

To write/read on a thumb drive with the Native USB port, I first used this library and example sketch:

Then I altered otgFSRead() using f_open() and f_read(), and otgFSWrite() using f_open() and f_write().

You can find f_read() and f_write() arguments here:

Note that your USB key should be properly formated before any write/read from the DUE:

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Thanks for the quick reply.
This library set is great, its going to do everything i need and more!

The GitHub Page pointed me to this website, which explains all the features in great detail.

OK MarkMakesStuff - Feel free to post your results, others may be interested too.