USB Host Shield to Victron MK3 VEBus unit cannot read USB data

Ok so I have the USB Host shield running OK and I can extract the device descriptor information (see attached file). This is using the USB_Desc example from the Host Shield Library.

However I have tried all the various example terminal emulation code and cannot get anything to read the data that is being sent every second. I can see the data when the USB device is plugged into a PC.
Doing a bit of searching I can see the USB device is showing up as a FTDI Bridge (I2C/SPI/UART/FIFO).

The MK3 USB device is a Victron interface unit between their inverters internal bus and USB.

Not sure where to go now for further help. I just need to be able to send USB commands and read USB data back.

MK3 USB desc.txt (1.53 KB)

Long shot but worth a try.

Use the USBFTDILoopback example but add the USB product ID to the constructor.

FTDI    Ftdi(&Usb, &FtdiAsync, 0x6015)
                             ^^^^^^^^ This the product ID from the descriptor dump

I think the default is 0x6001.

Long shot but worth a try.

Use the USBFTDILoopback example but add the USB product ID to the constructor.

FTDI    Ftdi(&Usb, &FtdiAsync, 0x6015)

^^^^^^^^ This the product ID from the descriptor dump

I think the default is 0x6001.

Thanks - that got me going! Able to send and Receive something.
Next steps to run through the Victron MK2 protocol and build a state machine to interpret it