USB HUB board for a DIY project

Hi there,
I am building a desk, and I would like to integrate a USB hub with extern power supply so I can connect easily various usb devices to my laptop, or just plug my cellphone to charge it.

I thought I would find easily a pre-assembled pcb board and connect the female usb socket myself in any online electronic store. But I can't manage to find what I need.

What I look for is basically such a board :

found on this forum

Has anyone a hint to give me ?

Sorry this is nonsense. You'd get FS at most with that assembly. Get a cheap USB3 ur USB2 hub, dismantleist and be happy.

Thanks for the answer
This solution works of course. But it is disappointing. There are a lot of variety between usb hubs : speed, power supply capacity, quality... I would have liked to choose carefully what I buy.
Moreover buying a s**ty plastic box just to dispose of it makes me sick.

There are lots of nice alternatives.

Take a front panel hub for instance

or an INSERT hub

You can also find these but cheaper to give you more flexibility

Also if it is going to be used primarily for Arduino work stay with USB 2.0 as USB 3.0 has on occasion been seen to cause issues.