Of course you won't find results to match your very specific requirements- it's very very unlikely that someone wrote code for exactly your test case and then published it in case
someone else wanted to do the exact same thing.
So why don't you post your work so far.... then someone may be able to help, unless of course you want someone to write a turnkey solution which is a different thing altogether.
If you want someone to do it for you I can move your post to the payed work section of the forum where someone might be willing to do it for you in exchange for money.
Have you, for example, got one PIR sensor hooked up to an Arduino and giving a message on the serial monitor when it detects movement? If not, I'd suggest trying to do that- you have to start somewhere!
And also since you need to display images, do you have the hardware that has a graphical display and have you got that working by itself just to display "something"?
But asking for help usually means the helpee presents some work first, and then helpers try to advise.
According to what you said earlier in response to my question about having one pir working successfully:
... why don't you as a start try to sort of "double up" the code you have, for another sensor. That would involve a little thought of course, to make sure you change the pin numbers and other variables for the second one.
But as I said earlier, if you want a turnkey solution that will be a different discussion.