Using arduino to control and meter oil

I am completely new to arduino don't have one however i think it would be ideal for a project im planning. I would like a system where an solenoid valve is opened by the arduino after it receives a comand from a separate computer. How would i do this?
I would also like it to meter the amount of oil that flows through the solenoid and output this back to the separate computer.
Thanks for any help/feedback

Then you would need to also know the oil pressure and the opening size of the solenoid valve. The open time and the pressure would allow you to compute the volume of oil that passed.

How do you plan on doing this, using a flow meter or something else. Also what voltages etc is your system to work at. What is the environment? What are the safety requirements?

Can the separate computer be connected to the Arduino by wires, or is this a wireless application?

You can dispense and measure at the same time using a "positive displacement pump".

Look for an inexpensive oil/diesel pump that you can drive with a stepper motor.

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