Using arduino to generate signals

Use an Arduino Uno board to generate three different signals (sinusoidal, square, triangle) with an amplitude of +3/-3V. I don't want any delay; instead, I want the ability to manually switch between signals or through an interface. The frequency should vary between 0.01 and 100Hz.

Was there a question? :thinking:

I want some help about the components to use

So what have you considered so far?

In short,

  1. Try to design something. You don't have to buy the components.
  2. Draw a schematic and write some code
  3. Post your idea here and we can go from there

What you are asking for is not for a beginner. +/-3V is not something an Arduino does natively. This will require additional circuitry.

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Should be possible, but you will need direct port manipulation.
And an opamp to go from a signal of 0 to 5V to a signal of -3 to 3V. A simple opamp can do that for you. But that will need a symmetric power supply...
Would -2.5 to 2.5V be okay? Then you can simply use a large capacitor in series...

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Or an Arduino with a DAC?

Arduino UNO R4 has one.

Or an external DAC.

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That should work...

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I would go with an AD9833 module and an op amp to get the voltage level you want. Under $10 and it saves hours of work trying to kludge PWM and filters.


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