I'm just getting back into programming so have forgotten a load of stuff (10yrs+) I'm trying to receive a series of characters through serial, which seems to work OK. The issue I'm having is processing the characters.
In the code below, it is a 5 character code + null, I'm trying to use an if statement on the 2nd character of the code i.e. message[1] I'm assuming as it's a character I can do an
'if (message[1]=="a") {.....} else {....}'
but it's not working. It always goes to the else statement, I've tried variations using numerals, single =, /= with and without " " etc...
I'm sure I'm missing something very simple, just can't seem to see it.
void serialEvent() {
//Check to see if anything is available in the serial receive buffer
while (Serial.available() > 0)
//Create a place to hold the incoming message
static char message[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
static unsigned int message_pos = 0;
//Read the next available byte in the serial receive buffer
char inByte = Serial.read();
int quantBytes;
int directionTravel;
//Message coming in (check not terminating character) and guard for over message size
if ( inByte != '\n' && (message_pos < MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - 1) )
//Add the incoming byte to our message
message[message_pos] = inByte;
//Full message received...
//Add null character to string
/* Serial Protocol to use is 5 characters plus null character - in this case using numerals throughout
bit no.
0 => case 0-4 using "Switch"
1 => a= -ve value anything else = negative value
2:4 => 3 digit value for movement if nessecary
EXAMPLE: Code received 0a152 means Case 0; Move Negative 152 steps
message[message_pos] = '\0';
Serial.print("Message [1] = ");
if (message[1] == "a") {
directionTravel = -1;
Serial.println("direction Negative");
else {
directionTravel = 1;
Serial.println("Direction Positive");