Hello group,
I'm trying to visualize into a Nextion display WaveForm some data received from a pressure sensor.
After difference researches, studies and "bad words" , I'm finally able to see something on the display, but the resolution is so tiny that appear a stain instead of a valuable curve.
Let me give you some context conditions:
- the waveform area is 255x800 (HxW) and the %scaling is 100 (dis param)
- the reads append every 500-550 ms and are 16 (about 9 sec)
The pressure value is sent to display in this way:
int plotValue = map(pressureValue, 0, 100, 0, 255);
Serial1.print("add 1,0," + plotValue);
and the results on the display is in the picture
But is not possible to enlarge the scale on the x axe, so that the curve are readable ?
Or perhaps there is something missing by me!