This is my first post and my first venture into Arduino.
I've bought a Proto Shield, Uno 3 and various sensors on Breakout Boards. I need to place sensors in various rooms around the house and have them (wired) connected back to the Uno 3 where the software will run.
I bought the leads for the breakout board which I will cut and solder an extension cable to which will run round the house to the main board where I (thought - and was told) could solder to the Proto Shield??
I cannot find any diagrams to show me the connections needed and even if this is possible - is it?
I was hoping to use the Proto Shield as a "main board" to connect all the sensors to. Am I barking up the wrong tree here?
For the first sensor, need to connect to +5, Gnd, and A0 (or one of the other analog inputs).
The 2nd one needs +5, Gnd, an Analog input, a PWM output, and a digital output for its LED.
So you will need to wire up a little bus circuit to get all the +5s and Gnds connected, and then connect to the other pins as needed, making sure to not use the same analog pin, or PWM pin, or digital pin, for 2 different sensors.
You have a protoshield like this, or something similar?
Where the female headers are brought over to a hole in the prototype area where you can solder to, or out to a screw terminal where you just screw a wire in place.
It's the original Arduino Shield and being new (last experience was 20 years ago!) to electronics I am trying to learn fast. I cannot see any obvious "tracks" on the board so I'm assuming I use patch cables to connect the outputs?