Using Python to read and process serial data from Arduino

Hi all,

Not really sure where to post this, so general seems appropriate.
is there a tips/tricks section for 'maybe useful ideas' ?

This post:

Has lead me to explore the options of getting Arduino serial output into Python.

Often I find myself outputting to the serial monitor, copy-pasting data into excel, formatting, doing calculations...

But wouldn't it be nice to read the data into Python and process it?
I certainly think so :slight_smile:

This is by no means a complete guide but it should get you started if you want to explore.

-- Python and a bit of Python skills
-- Installation of pyserial:

The very basic code.

On the Arduino side:

#include <Streaming.h>

void setup()

void loop()
  Serial << "Current millis: " << millis() << endl;

Python code:

import serial

def readserial(comport, baudrate):

    ser = serial.Serial(comport, baudrate, timeout=0.1)         # 1/timeout is the frequency at which the port is read

    while True:
        data = ser.readline().decode().strip()
        if data:

if __name__ == '__main__':

    readserial('COM28', 115200)

Python code with timestamp:

import serial
import time

def readserial(comport, baudrate, timestamp=False):

    ser = serial.Serial(comport, baudrate, timeout=0.1)         # 1/timeout is the frequency at which the port is read

    while True:

        data = ser.readline().decode().strip()

        if data and timestamp:
            timestamp = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
            print(f'{timestamp} > {data}')
        elif data:

if __name__ == '__main__':

    readserial('COM28', 115200, True)                          # COM port, Baudrate, Show timestamp

Is there a way to safely close the serial port and send a stop signal to the Arduino board?
I was thinking that a Ctrl-C, a Keyboard interrupt should be caught and the program sends a stop signal and closes the serial port.

This helped a lot though!! Thanks a ton!

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