Using Qt and Processing in the same time?

Hey guys,

I am doing a project with building the GUI by Qt to input the values to Arduino, then send the signal from Arduino to Processing for imaging my signal. Is it possible? Since I am using Arduino UNO, it's only one serial port and when I open the GUI of Qt and input value, I cannot open Processing in the same time and the error is the Serial connection between Qt and Arduino. Is there any way that I can solve this problem?? Arduino Mega will be the solution??

Thank you guys so much:)

This seems like a PC programming question and not an Arduino question.

I think the short answer is NO. Two PC programs cannot access the same serial port at the same time.

I am not familiar with either QT or Processing, but why can't you use either one of them to do everything?


This seems like a PC programming question and not an Arduino question.

I think the short answer is NO. Two PC programs cannot access the same serial port at the same time.

I am not familiar with either QT or Processing, but why can't you use either one of them to do everything?


Hi Robin2,

Thanks for your reply. Well, I am just curious about this issue and yes, I am going to do everything in Qt. Thanks for the help:)