Using Sensorless endstopp on DIY cameraslider

Hello everyone,

I´m upgrading my DIY cameraslider which I did as a project last year. I used two microswitches as an endstop. I have a basic NEMA 17 motor and an arduino with a A4988. So far so good. Since I got my prusa MK3S+ with the TMC2209 equipped I questioned myself if it is also possible to use the TMC2209 for my cameraslider. I searched a bit in the forum and got over some posts and how to do it. I have two questions left and I hope you guys could help me out.

  1. If I read everything right you need to use UART in order to get the Feedback which is necessary for the sensorless endstop thing I want to do?
  2. I used the Accelstepper libary with the A4988 which worked great - is it also possible to use this libary + the stuff from question one at the same time?

cheers guys and thank you!

Get feedback from whom?

Fine You tell Your stepper mounting uses M3 screws and the hole pattern....

What are You talking about?

Read this link: How to get the best out of this forum - Using Arduino / Project Guidance - Arduino Forum

Note the demand for links, references etc.

Your post makes it feel like being in a mixer. Slow down and apply engineering.

right, my bad.

Opperating voltage: 2,5V
Current: 1,7A
2Phase bipolar
Phaseresistance: 1,5 Ohms
1,8° Angle


My cameraslider uses linear rails to maintain a linear movement for 500mm from the left to the right. Atm I have two microswitches installed as endstops on the very left and on the very right in order to shut the motor down or change direction when the slider bottoms out. My prusa printer has the same principle of the movement but doesn´t uses those microswitches to detect the end position. It uses the Feedback that the TMC2209 motordriver is comunicating back to the µC. I think TMC calls this StallGuard or something like that. If I read the discription right on their homepage it uses the back EMF inducted intio the wires from the magnets of the NEMA Motor while operating. According to them you can then do what they call a sensorless reference run.

This functionallity is not possible on the A4988 motordriver. I want to upgrade to the TMC2209 in order to get rid of those microswitches and also use the sensorless set up like my prusa 3d printer. Hope this is more speciffic and clearly.

thank you

[quote="anon68583926, post:3, topic:957373"]
My prusa printer has the same principle of the movement but doesn´t uses those microswitches to detect the end position.

What does the other household devices has to do with the original question?

Yes, it's clear and specific but telling nothing useful.

Sorry, I don't spend time on such unspecified, not motivated demands. Way to often they are based on the belief of ghosts. Sorry.

A simple Google search yielded a description of sensorless homing:

@railroader well then feel free to ignore this question and move on. I´m beeing specific enough to understand my question and my problem which has nothing to do with ghosts. You have been the person to wirte unmotivated and nonsense answers. If you don´t know anything about the topic then leave it out and search for other posts.

@ToddL1962 thank you for the input. I have problems with code thats the problem. So do I need to go with UART connection I order to do that?


I have never used the TMC2209 but it appears the UART connection is used to configure and read the registers for sensorless homing. It looks like a pretty simple protocol. You will still use DIR and STEP to step the motor.

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Maybe You're the guy with the great knowledge capable of teaching forum helpers what to ask, how to work. I've done this for more than 40 years. How long have You been in support business?

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