I have official Arduino Zero board and I'm trying to wrap my head around how the tow included usb ports work on this board. In my sketch, I would like to communicate with my PC via SerialUSB, as well as debug it via the debug port.
So far, it seems that the board can only do one or the other: when debugging is active, SerialUSB is never opened (while(SerialUSB) never evaluates to true) and when I use "the usual" usb port to upload - there's (obviously) no debugging available.
I've also tried to connect both at the same time, pointing PIO to use DEBUG port for debugging and "the ususal" port for uploading, but it seems that SerialUSB is never opened either, just like in prior example.
I thought that the purpose of two usb ports on the board was to allow doing (among other things) what I've just described: one board with two wires - one for debugging, one for in-sketch communication etc.
Can this setup be achieved without external means, like hooking up an Uno to pins 0 & 1 to use via serial1?