Using three push buttons on three digital input pins

Sorry if this is in the wrong section, this is my first post here. I am still a bit of a newby with Arduino, so please excuse any dumb mistakes. :sweat_smile:

What I am doing seems pretty simple, but I am having some errors with it I can't seem to figure out. :blush: I have three separate push buttons powered by the 5V Arduino output. On the other ends of the push buttons I have 3 10K pull down resistors, one for each button, all of them going to ground. Each button connects to a separate digital I/O pin (12, 8, and 7). I have the Arduino communicate back to the computer through serial if the pins are high and low, but only one button will say it is high when I push it (The one connected to pin 12). The other two buttons remain low no matter what. Are there any apparent problems with how I said everything was connected? Tell me if I should post the code. If I need to draw up a schematic, I can do that to, that explanation seemed a little vague. :disappointed_relieved:

Sorry if this is in the wrong section, this is my first post here. I am still a bit of a newby with Arduino, so please excuse any dumb mistakes. :sweat_smile:

What I am doing seems pretty simple, but I am having some errors with it I can't seem to figure out. :blush: I have three separate push buttons powered by the 5V Arduino output. On the other ends of the push buttons I have 3 10K pull down resistors, one for each button, all of them going to ground. Each button connects to a separate digital I/O pin (12, 8, and 7). I have the Arduino communicate back to the computer through serial if the pins are high and low, but only one button will say it is high when I push it (The one connected to pin 12). The other two buttons remain low no matter what. Are there any apparent problems with how I said everything was connected? Tell me if I should post the code. If I need to draw up a schematic, I can do that to, that explanation seemed a little vague. :disappointed_relieved:

Well the problem is either hardware caused, or software caused.

Hardware: Measure the voltage at the input pins with a meter and see if it's +5vdc when the button is pressed and 0 volts when the button released. If not then you have a wiring problem. If voltages read OK then it's software.

Software: Post your code might help. Did you use the proper pin mode commands for the pins that aren't working?


Huh, after much testing of wiring, placing of components, and replacing of the parts, I figured out the problem. A faulty breadboard. =( Thanks for the reply though. :slight_smile: