Using USB to Serial Chip for programming an ESP12-F

I want to use an CP2102-GM chip to write code to my ESP12-F.
I have come up with this circut, but I am not sure if this will work.
It would be really nice if someone could have a look at it and correct my mistakes if I made any.


Suggest you copy the circuit with the two transistors from the WeMOS D1 Mini (and the Adafruit boards, and others).

In the bottom right corner:

This is (obviously) tried and tested and works. :grin:

Hi ,
My modification suggestion.

RV mineirin

@ruilviana Why are you suggesting the additional resistors. I didn't see them in any other sources

Ok remove additional resistors.

RV mineirin

They are advisable to ensure the correct boot conditions on the ESP. You do have to ensure that whatever else you connect to those pins (GPIO0, GPIO2, GPIO15) does not interfere with the logic levels on start-up.

I use a NodeMCU to program my bare EP8266 modules.
This video might help.

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