Trying to make an effective way of detecting flames from 2 meters away. A number of articles suggest I use either a combination of temperature, smoke, UV (to detect UV-C), IR (multi-IR to remove false alarms) and UV/IR (also for false alarms). Current flame source is from a candle.
I currently have an MLX90640 (temp) and AS7331 UV sensor board (UV) from Sparkfun.
A number of issues I seeing so far:
- From a candle, the flame I'm getting is over 200 to a bit over 500 °C but it changes the farther I move the candle. Not really concerned on the high accuracy but just that it can detect the presence of those temperature
- UV-C is detected from some flames but only from a small distance
Current resolutions I'm trying but with little progress:
- Get the difference between the warmest point in the array versus the surrounding arrays but only if there exist a surrounding array value of over 100°C
- Parabolic reflector to reflect light to the sensor. I can see a number of reflectors from Mouser but not sure if I should get that or those generic once for photography.
What could I do to improve my fire detection capabilities?
Then for sensors, some questions:
- For smoke detection, do I get the PM 2.5 sensors over the AQI sensors such as those in Adafruit/Sparkfun? I was hoping to get something smaller/less bulky than PMS5003. If AQI sensor, which sensor can I get? currently eyeing ENS160 sensor and SGP30 sensor
- For multi-IR, what sensor can I use based on my range requirement. Currently looking at Triad Spectroscopy Sensor or AS7263 NIR sensor board (both from Sparkfun)? My issue is that the limited effective range of these sensors are the same as the AS7331 UV sensor board I have.
- For UV detection, I can see a lot of groups and even from fighter-fighting robots using those Hamamatsu UVtron UV sensors R2868 (or similar variants). My issue is that I dont know where to get that photodiode
Please let me know what I can do to improve my chances of detecting flames at 2 meters based on my requirements.