Visual Studio Code IDE

I'm trying to used Visual Studio Code to upload and work with the Arduino UNO, but one of the problems I am having is that the serial monitor is showing a bunch of questions marks instead of the output I am sending?

I have :


Line speed mismatch?

Ah of course, set the Baud rate and it now works!

The other question I had is with changing sketches.

At the moment I have a folder on my desktop called "Arduino Projects", within this folder I have all my projects (several different sketches). When I open this folder in Visual Studio Code, I am able to view all my projects, but it seems like the only way to upload a particular sketch is to hand edit the .vscode/arduino.json file that exists in the root folder and change the sketch parameter to the sketch I want to upload.

There has to be an easier way of doing this?

What I am trying to achive is the ability to have Visual Studio Code open with all my sketches, and quickly switch between them uploading them in turn.

Why are you using "Visual Studio Code" instead of the official Arduino IDE?

Why are you using "Visual Studio Code" instead of the official Arduino IDE?

I am looking for an IDE that gives better support for working with multiple projects. I am also not a fan of the Arduino editor, as I am used to the features provided by Visual Studio and Visual Code