Hello, first time posting so I apologize if I am doing this incorrectly. I am playing around with interrupts to understand them better but I can't seem to get past this problem. I started off by just implementing a program where the variable "count" is incremented whenever I press a pushbutton that is connected to pin 3 so it goes into an ISR and increments, I was able to do this. Then to explore timer interrupts, I implemented a program that counts how many times it is pressed in 10 seconds. This also worked. But now I want to be able to keep an LED on the while simultaneously having the previous program working. I tried putting it in the void loop it and does not seem to work. Help is very much appreciated.
// This code increments a variable count whenever a push button is pressed using a hardware interrupt
#include "TimerOne.h"
// Variable declarations
int count = 0; // This variable will hold the number of times the push button was pressed
int pushButton = 3;
float freq;
int ledPin=9;
void counter() { // This is the interrupt service routine for the push button press
void ISR_timerone()
Serial.print("Frequency= ");
freq=count/10. ;
Timer1.attachInterrupt( ISR_timerone );
void setup() {
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(3), counter, FALLING); // Changed to RISING edge trigger
pinMode(pushButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
Timer1.attachInterrupt( ISR_timerone );
void loop() {