VS1053 MP3 Shield Not Reading SD Card

Hello, I have my geeetech VS1053 MP3 Shield attached to my Uno with a Sandisk MicroSD card storing a few songs. I have tried several examples and different libraries, but none are playing my MP3s.

The first one comes from: http://dlnmh9ip6v2uc.cloudfront.net/datasheets/Dev/Arduino/Shields/MP3_Player_Example.pde .
In the comments it's told that in order "To compile, you MUST change Sd2PinMap.h of the SDfatlib!
The default SS_PIN = 10;. You must change this line under the ATmega328/Arduino area of code to
uint8_t const SS_PIN = 9;. This will cause the sdfatlib to use pin 9 as the 'chip select' for the
microSD card on pin 9 of the Arduino so that the layout of the shield works."

I could not find the Sd2PinMap.h in my SDfatlib, but I downloaded the Sd2PinMap.h separately and added it to the SDfatlib, then proceeded with the above mentioned change. The program uploads without a problem, but the Serial monitor tells me that the program "Failed to open track001.mp3" and so on through track100.mp3. I renamed my MP3s "track001.mp3" and so forth, so I know it's not a problem with the name of the file.

From Bill Porter's website: Sparkfun MP3 Shield Arduino Library « The Mind of Bill Porter I tried his SFEMP3Shield library and examples The serial monitor immediately gives me an "Error code: 6 when trying to start MP3 player Warning: patch file not found, skipping." And when I try to play a track I get an "Error code: 2 when trying to play track", which, according to his list of Error Codes means "File Not Found." The program has a feature that allows one to make sure that the SD card can be read when you input "d" into the serial monitor, and the serial monitor displays all of my music and even the pictures saved on the SD.

Not really sure at this point why the music from my SD card is not being played. Thanks ahead of time for any help.


I am at the same point with this as well. Any information greatly appreciated.


Download SDfat library.
Edit SDFatConfig.h at file uint8_t const SOFT_SPI_CS_PIN = 10; change 10 to 9
It works now.

Probably doesn't answer the original question, but it might help somebody that finds this topic.

The SFEMP3Shield library uses the global variable "SdFat sd;" and this must be initialized (sd.begin()) prior to calling SFEMP3Shield::begin().

If you change the name of the SdFat variable or the order they are initialized, the mp3 library will fail.

you're right, in fact, I've tried, the mp3 library failed indeed.. coquegsm.com