Water level alarm

Hi all

im brand new to the Arduino world so please be gentle :slight_smile:

what I'm after is a alarm system for my boat I'm very clued up with electronics and wiring I'm just new to the Arduino world.

so what I would like to know to start with is if it is possible to have 2 broken finger switches 1 would need to be normally open and 1 would need to be normally closed and once activated I would need them to activate a buzzer 1 red for 1 chamber and 1 green for the other chamber and then have a reset switch to silence the buzzer for a set amount of time say 1 hour.

so am I asking to much from 1 Arduino board or would I need 2?
and is it possible to do and can someone point me in the right direction of were to start

thanks in advance

You will only need one Arduino to handle this because you are asking very little of it.
Take a look at how many far more complicated sensors some guys are using on a single Arduino without any issues.

As far as pointing you in the right directiion. "It's all about the code."
I'm a Newbie as well and I've been trying to wrap my head around what seems to be a language written by some far away Alien Race. When I really get stuck I post my code on the forum and if I ask intelligible questions I get great answers from these fine people.

Best thing is I've been reading, searching and researching more in the last six months than I have in the last 15 years. I've pulled an old hobby/occupation out from the dust and I'm having a great time exploring it.