Water level sensor with capacitance sensing


I'm planning a project to measure the water depth of a liquid within a fixed container. I'm currently looking at this sensor:

To my understanding the sensor outputs a voltage from 0 to 3.3 or 5V mapped to be 0 to 100% fill rate.

My question is, is it possible to get the reading of the individual capacitance pads? My idea is to identify different liquids, such as water, juice, or else by their capacitive value.

I assume the difference is minor yet measureable?

Many thanks for any advice.

Do you have any code so far? And a schematic? (Neatly hand drawn is fine.)

Meanwhile I assume that when water reaches successive pads in its short range it will acquire a new voltage which you will then measure. Only the datasheet will clarify, but I’m guessing it will be essentially a HIGH or LOW.

No it does not.
You might be able to use an EC (Electrical Conductivity) sensor

you will need to look at the library provided with the sensor

not used this specific sensor but have used various custom built capacitive sensors for measuring liquid heights in containers
different liquids do give different capacitance readings, e.g. fat and grease floating on the top of water in a kitchen
so you may be able to determine the type of liquid
guess you need to experiment!

I'm unclear what this means:

'Split this topic 40 mins ago
A post was merged into an existing topic: Pet Alarm Escape System'


But I'd recommend you confine all info to a single thread, this one.

You seem to be having some problems with the internet/forum.
Your replies all seem to be for different posts or to different people

Read the data sheet.

Can you provide details please? I know of only one possible case, in thread 'Arduino spot welder v3', https://forum.arduino.cc/t/arduino-spot-welder-v3/1318720/26

I doubt that's down to my internet connection. Try clicking Reply in the OP's first post. Doing so here does not place the poster's @ name to the right of the title, as it does for all other posters. It's empty - not even bluejet this time :slightly_smiling_face: