Waveshare 2.42-inch OLED Module, embedded SSD1309 driver

Hi everyone, i have a Waveshare 2.42-inch OLED module with an embedded SSD1309 driver:

The OLED module provides two types of driver interfaces: 4-wire SPI(default) and I2C interfaces. There are two optional solder resistors on the back of the module. I would like to use the I2C interface.

In there Wiki they write: "There are two optional solder resistors on the back of the module in the bottom left corner". > Lower left corner ?

Looking at the picture I would say the upper left corner is meant, right? Also there are Resistors in lower left Corner. As I am now unsure which one I should re-solder, does anyone have experience with the display or can give me some advice? RED or GREEN? Or both?

They also write the following in the wiki:

"The module assumes a 4-wire SPI communication mode by default, i.e. the resistor is connected to the SPI by default. The specific hardware configuration is as follows:
4-wire SPI:
This is the factory demo setting: two 0R resistors are connected to the SPI position; DIN is connected to the host MOSI and CLK is connected to the host SCLK.
Two 0R resistors are connected to the I2C position; DIN is connected to the host SDA and CLK is connected to the host SCL.
The DC pin can be used to change the I2C address: When set low, the I2C address is :0x3C; when set high, the I2C address is 0x3D."

Many thanks in advance

To switch to I2C mode you have to "move" the R's in the red circle (or remove them and make a bridge with a drop of tin)




thanks a lot! :+1:
I just wasn't quite sure, but i wanted to avoid unnecessary soldering. but i had already suspected that. I just think they worded it a bit unfavorably.

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