Waveshare 5.65" 7-color inverting bitmap colours

Hello all.

I am attempting to use Robert Moro's repo (GitHub - robertmoro/7ColorEPaperPhotoFrame: Battery operate photo frame using the 7 color 5.65 inch e-paper display from Waveshare) and I am using his code exactly, aside from some minor edits to add more serial text. His code is based on the latest version of the Waveshare EPD5in65 library.

I am running this on Arduino Uno with the Waveshare 5.65" 7-color e-paper display.

Operationally everything runs correctly - the images are loaded from the SD card and they are displayed in the correct dimensions on the e-paper display in the correct orientation. But the colours do not match those in the original bitmap. There seems to be some swapping of colours - white/black, red/yellow and orange/green - only blue appears to be correct.

I have tried with a brand new e-paper display (I wanted another one anyway) with the same results.

By way of an example, see attached the test bitmap (as a JPG) and an image of how this displays on screen.


Normally speaking i would open an issue on github, so the author can help you, but

long Bmp::readLong()
  int index = 0;
  byte b[4];
  while (_file->available() && index < 4)
    b[index] = _file->read();
  long result;

  result = b[3];
  result << 8;
  result |= b[2];
  result << 8;
  result |= b[1];
  result << 8;
  result |= b[0];

  return result;

this is the section where the colors are being read from the bmp file.
There is no other place where i think you can change the colors from what they are as far as i can see.

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Thanks I did open an Issue, just awaiting a response.

Solved. Was a bitmap issue, nothing to do with Arduino.

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