Weird multiplexing bug

I'm using a multiplexer to read 8 different slide potentiometers, but it's acting very weird. I have two multiplexers for 16 total pots, and my first 8 (mux 1) are working correctly but the second mux has some weird behaviour. When I select only one mux pin and read it in the loop, the values are what I expect, however, when I read pot 1 and then pot2 the value of pot 1 follows the value of pot2, as if the mux is not switching from pot1. It continues in a pattern of 2's, (eg 1 follows 2, 3 follows 4, 5 follows 6 etc) and this is leading me to believe that the leading bit for the mux select is being dropped somewhere, but I cannot find where. To explain, to select pot 0 i send bit 000, 1: 100: 2: 010, 3:110, but I think it is somehow only sending 00, 00, 10, 10, and leaving the first bit pulled low. I am almost certain my physical wiring is correct, but I could be wrong. My mux select function is :

void selectMuxPin(byte pin, bool mux2) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      if (pin & (1 << i))
        digitalWrite(selectPins1[i], HIGH);
        digitalWrite(selectPins1[i], LOW);
  else if(mux2){
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      if (pin & (1 << i)){
        digitalWrite(selectPins2[i], HIGH);
        digitalWrite(selectPins2[i], LOW);

And here is how I'm reading the pins (in a test function, not actual implementation).

Serial.print("\n ");
selectMuxPin(0, true);

Serial.print(" ");
selectMuxPin(1, true);

etc. etc.

edit - using sparkfun pro micro, pin 3, 4 and 5 are my mux select pins and a1 the z pin.

Try to do a dummy read in between

Serial.print("\n ");
selectMuxPin(0, true);

Serial.print(" ");
selectMuxPin(1, true);

etc. etc.

Or use some delay mechanism after switching.

No dice. Tried a 1000 ms delay and dummy read but exact same problem. I've just redone the wiring but I'll try and throw more solder at the pins.

Redid the joints and ended up working. Still needed a delay tho, dummy read did not work.

selectMuxPin(3, true);

Nevermind it was just a loose connection :frowning: no delay needed. I feel kinda dumb spending 3 hours on that.