What are the effects of "baud rate"?

Arduino allows for a variety of "baud rates". 9600, 19200, 57600, etc.
How does one decide which rate is preferential to any of the others?
How does the rate affect the operation of the microcontroller and the board to which it is applied?
For instance, if things seem to be operating OK at 9600, how would changing to a faster rate be beneficial? Or, woud it be?
How does one decide which baud rate is best ?
PO'T :slight_smile:
How come the fonts aren't working :o
Well, now they are. ::slight_smile:

You use the rate that's right for your app.
Other things being equal, a higher rate won't carry as well over distance as a lower rate.

A higher rate means your software has to be more responsive, to service the data before it is replaced.

Example. Assume you're running into an Arduino at 9600 baud.
At that speed, if you don't take any data out of it, the Serial buffer will overflow in 128/960=133ms.
At 115200 baud, this becomes 11.1ms.

Thank you, GROOVE :slight_smile:

It also depends on how quickly you need to see/deal with the data. For some applications, like full 3D motion control, you'll notice a lag at 9600 but not 57600.

Dan Steingart
Re: What are the effects of "baud rate"?
Reply #3 - Yesterday at 05:02:30 | It also depends on how quickly you need to see/deal with the data. For some applications, like full 3D motion control, you'll notice a lag at 9600 but not 57600.

Thank you, Dan.
3D motion control. That's way above my game. I'm working on data logging, using SD cards. :wink:
Thank you