What could be the reasons why a Daikin BRC4M150W air conditioning remote controller is not responding to IR raw code?

What could be the reason for a captured IR raw code for a Daikin air conditioner not working when sent, while IR codes from other AC companies are working? Could there be a specific issue with Daikin's security measures or some other underlying problem?

Example we used to capture raw data from example :- IR RECEIVE > RECEIVE DUMP

We are capturing through infrared receiver 138

And Raw data we are getting is :-

on 26
uint16_t rawData[115] = {4930,2220, 280,1870, 280,820, 230,870, 180,870, 230,1920, 230,870, 180,870, 230,870, 180,870, 230,1870, 280,870, 180,1920, 230,1920, 230,870, 180,1920, 230,1920, 230,1920, 230,1920, 230,1920, 230,870, 230,1870, 230,870, 230,870, 180,870, 230,870, 180,870, 230,870, 180,1920, 230,870, 230,870, 180,1920, 230,870, 230,820, 230,870, 180,1920, 230,870, 230,870, 180,870, 230,870, 180,870, 230,870, 180,870, 230,870, 180,870, 230,820, 230,870, 230,820, 230,870, 180,870, 230,1920, 230,1920, 230,1870, 280,870, 180,870, 230,1870, 280,820, 230};  // Protocol=PULSE_DISTANCE Address=0x0 Command=0x0 Raw-Data=0x4E0004 56 bits LSB first

But this is not working we are sending this raw data using IR LED send raw

A few potential issues.

Please describe what you have done and give examples for us to scrutinise.

I have updated the question please check....

I will take a SWAG and say it wants its code modulated, some use 38khz.

1 Like

Sounds like its all about timing...

#include <IRremote.h>

const int RECV_PIN = 7;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;

void setup(){

void loop(){
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)){
        Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
        switch (results.decode_type){
            case NEC: Serial.println("NEC"); break ;
            case SONY: Serial.println("SONY"); break ;
            case RC5: Serial.println("RC5"); break ;
            case RC6: Serial.println("RC6"); break ;
            case DISH: Serial.println("DISH"); break ;
            case SHARP: Serial.println("SHARP"); break ;
            case JVC: Serial.println("JVC"); break ;
            case SANYO: Serial.println("SANYO"); break ;
            case MITSUBISHI: Serial.println("MITSUBISHI"); break ;
            case SAMSUNG: Serial.println("SAMSUNG"); break ;
            case LG: Serial.println("LG"); break ;
            case WHYNTER: Serial.println("WHYNTER"); break ;
            case AIWA_RC_T501: Serial.println("AIWA_RC_T501"); break ;
            case PANASONIC: Serial.println("PANASONIC"); break ;
            case DENON: Serial.println("DENON"); break ;
            case UNKNOWN: Serial.println("UNKNOWN"); break ;

D:\arduino project\SDReadSpeed\SDReadSpeed.ino: In function 'void loop()':
SDReadSpeed:21:18: error: 'DISH' was not declared in this scope
case DISH: Serial.println("DISH"); break ;
D:\arduino project\SDReadSpeed\SDReadSpeed.ino:21:18: note: suggested alternative: 'MISO'
case DISH: Serial.println("DISH"); break ;
SDReadSpeed:24:18: error: 'SANYO' was not declared in this scope
case SANYO: Serial.println("SANYO"); break ;
D:\arduino project\SDReadSpeed\SDReadSpeed.ino:24:18: note: suggested alternative: 'SONY'
case SANYO: Serial.println("SANYO"); break ;
SDReadSpeed:25:18: error: 'MITSUBISHI' was not declared in this scope
case MITSUBISHI: Serial.println("MITSUBISHI"); break ;
SDReadSpeed:29:18: error: 'AIWA_RC_T501' was not declared in this scope
case AIWA_RC_T501: Serial.println("AIWA_RC_T501"); break ;
exit status 1
'DISH' was not declared in this scope

Apologies, the original library...

IRRemote library

... has been modified somewhat since I used it in 2017.

Have a look at the example "IRRemoteInfo", which compiles fine for Uno.

Edit: you could uncomment the offending lines in the original sketch to get past the errors.

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