What is that black part I got (image in description)

Hello everyone, Ramadan Kareem. In my Arduino kit, I got this weird-looking thing. May someone tell me what it is and what it does?
It looks like this:
Also, I found out it is like an ir-related thing.

There is usually a booklet with everything listed.

What Arduino kit do you have?

IR LEDs are usually clear plastic, so I think this may be an IR photodiode or phototransistor. The black colour is to help filter out visible light so that only IR light reaches the sensitive spot.

That sounds good!

Here is it the link from where i purchased it: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832356301671.html

Hi, @memind

From the site you linked to;

It is an Infrared Receiving Diode or LED.

Infrared Receiving Diode

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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