Where can I download the (avr/wdt.h) library?

I have found a few examples of the use of the built in "watch dog timer" on different forums, for use with the Arduino UNO.
The examples are pretty straight forward but they all start with and "include <avr/wdt.h>. I have spent hours looking for a download of this library, with no success.
Can anyone give me a link to this library?

You have it, just include it like that.
Arduino uses the avr-gcc compiler, and that file is part of the compiler.

You have it, just include it like that.

Well... I confess: I was searching for AVR libraries too, exactly like Bozone44 :blush:

The same holds for avr/power.h? I don't need to install any library? :blush: :blush:

p.s. a question: why the Atmel328 of my Arduino UNO is not listed in the documentation here power.h ?

ciao, a me non funziona :frowning: sempre errore sigh.

bumped for new data ...

The avr-specific libc include files are in: hardware/arduino/tools/avr/avr/include/avr. The 'include' directory is part of the include path so to get to the files in the 'avr' subdirectory you make that part of the include file name, like 'avr/wdt.h'.

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