Where Do I connect MPU-6050 to Arduino

GND is to ground and VCC to 5V. (the only thing i know)

and where do I connect the SCL, SDA, XDA, XCL, ADO and INT in this MPU-6050

I manage to find the codes here but I don't know where to connect the terminals:

any help is appreciated. I am new to arduino and using the gyro for the first time.
Thank you.

SCL to SCL, SDA to SDA - most new production boards have a pair of SCL/SDA pins marked as such. Which Arduino board are you using?

Don't forget the pull ups to the supply. What voltage supply are you using? If it is 3V3 and you have a 5V Arduino you have to disable the internal pull up resistors on the I2C lines.
AD0 should be connected to either ground or 3V3, it will control what address the chip responds to.

Don't forget the pull ups to the supply. What voltage supply are you using? If it is 3V3 and you have a 5V Arduino you have to disable the internal pull up resistors on the I2C lines.
AD0 should be connected to either ground or 3V3, it will control what address the chip responds to.

How exactly would you disable these pull up resistors?

After you call Wire.begin();
add (assuming a 328P based board - Uno, Promini, Nano):
digitalWrite (A4, LOW);
digitalWrite (A5, LOW);

Most of the breakout boards for the MPU-6050 have pullups on the I2C lines, and a resistor on AD0 to hold it in one state or the other...

Most also have a regulator so they can be powered by 5v.

If yours doesn't have a regulator, you need to connect it's vcc to 3.3v not 5v.

So at this point it really matters what exactly is on the breakout board you're using, so you should post either a well focused picture of both sides of the board or a link to where you got it from (assuming they have either a schematic or nice pictures)

When you connect it i suggest you the rtimu library! All the others lib won t give you good results from my experience