Where is the ArduinoCore Sam on my windows installation?

I am working with Matlab / Simulink, and I would need to copy/paste the SPI.h and wire.h for the Arduino Due.
I could retrieve it from Arduino github after looking for a while in my installation folder.

Some people suggest it is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\sam
However this folder has not been created once in installed the Arduino Due board via the board manager.

I was able to compile a dummy code from the Arduino IDE using the SPI.h library. So I presume that SPI.h was properly installed.

In an IDE window, select File>preferences.
At the bottom of the new opened window, click in the URL:

And follow this path:

Thanks, it was not exactly that folder path, but that helped a lot !!!
Libraries are in :
C:\Users[USER NAME]\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\sam\1.6.12\libraries