Why sending hex code in IR transmitter makes problem?

I have a IR remote ,i try to decode the button press
(i am using arduino library "IRremoteESP8266")

When a single buttons press i got ,




using a IR transmitter with ESP8266 same raw data will send to receiver module( irsend.sendRaw(rawData, 67, 38);)s,its work.
but when i am sending the code portion(ie, code:0x02345943) using same library its not working?
why? How to solve ?


irsend.sendSony(0x02345943, 12, 2);

irsend.sendRaw(rawData, 67, 38);

I don't know anything about that library but when it's working you're sending one byte (8-bits) at a time. When it's not working you're sending a 32-bit "word".

I don't know anything about that library but when it's working you're sending one byte (8-bits) at a time. When it's not working you're sending a 32-bit "word".

Aren't the values in rawdata simply pulse times? (And there appear to be only 10 values, not 67)

how can i decode the actual data from raw data?

Detected protocols are converted into command sequences, which can be sent again using the same protocol. Raw data is encoded into an arbitrary hash code that can not be sent again, because sendRaw() expects the unencoded raw data.

Transmissions in an unknown protocol can not be decoded, the hash code of a raw transmission is not unique nor complete. But of course you can write your own decoder for raw data, and a matching sendMyCode() method. How many protocols are implemented in your IRremoteESP8266 library?

I have an IR remote for a gadget, I am decoding the values using esp8266 Arduino library

i get,

Protocol: UNKNOWN

Code : 0xD8396229 (129 Bits)

uint16_t rawData[257] =
536, 966, 544, 462, 506, 998, 512, 490, 516, 488, 544, 962, 514, 490, 516, 988, 514, 490, 512, 972, 530, 476, 530, 972, 510, 996, 514, 492, 512, 974, 532, 492, 512, 492, 510, 494, 510, 492, 544, 462, 506, 498, 528, 478, 530, 496, 510, 494, 508, 494, 508, 496, 544, 462, 524, 480, 526, 480, 526, 498, 508, 496, 506, 496, 508, 496, 544, 462, 542, 464, 524, 480, 526, 498, 506, 498, 506, 498, 508, 496, 540, 466, 542, 462, 522, 482, 524, 482, 524, 498, 504, 500, 504, 500, 504, 500, 542, 962, 506, 980, 526, 484, 520, 500, 504, 500, 504, 500, 506, 500, 542, 462, 546, 460, 546, 460, 522, 502, 502, 500, 504, 502, 502, 502, 508, 498, 544, 462, 544, 460, 546, 954, 542, 464, 544, 462, 546, 460, 562, 484, 504, 478, 526, 478, 526, 478, 504, 500, 542, 464, 546, 460, 544, 478, 526, 478, 526, 478, 526, 478, 504, 500, 540, 466, 542, 464, 546, 460, 544, 478, 526, 478, 526, 478, 526, 480, 506, 500, 540, 466, 544, 462, 544, 478, 526, 478, 526, 478, 526, 478, 502, 502, 506, 498, 540, 466, 544, 462, 544, 478, 526, 478, 526, 478, 526, 478, 504, 502, 538, 466, 542, 464, 544, 462, 542, 478, 526, 478, 526, 478, 526, 478, 506, 500, 538, 466, 544, 462, 542, 480, 524, 480, 524, 480, 524, 480, 504, 502, 506, 498, 540, 466, 544, 464, 542, 958, 508, 500, 544, 462, 542, 480, 524, 480, 524, 480, 524}; // UNKNOWN D8396229

the same "raw data" is sent to gadget using an IR transmitter LED, its receive well.

but when i send the hex code(0xD8396229) using different

protocol defines in the library(ESP8266IRremote-master), it does not work.
Why does this happen?

protocol tested,


irsend.sendSony(0x00D8396229, 129, 2);

How can I solve this issue?

If sendRaw does not work for you, please show your code instead of asking the same question over and over again.

/* IRremoteESP8266: IRsendDemo - demonstrates sending IR codes with IRsend.
 * Version 1.1 January, 2019
 * Based on Ken Shirriff's IrsendDemo Version 0.1 July, 2009,
 * Copyright 2009 Ken Shirriff, http://arcfn.com
 * An IR LED circuit *MUST* be connected to the ESP8266 on a pin
 * as specified by kIrLed below.
 * TL;DR: The IR LED needs to be driven by a transistor for a good result.
 * Suggested circuit:
 *     https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/wiki#ir-sending
 * Common mistakes & tips:
 *   * Don't just connect the IR LED directly to the pin, it won't
 *     have enough current to drive the IR LED effectively.
 *   * Make sure you have the IR LED polarity correct.
 *     See: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/polarity/diode-and-led-polarity
 *   * Typical digital camera/phones can be used to see if the IR LED is flashed.
 *     Replace the IR LED with a normal LED if you don't have a digital camera
 *     when debugging.
 *   * Avoid using the following pins unless you really know what you are doing:
 *     * Pin 0/D3: Can interfere with the boot/program mode & support circuits.
 *     * Pin 1/TX/TXD0: Any serial transmissions from the ESP8266 will interfere.
 *     * Pin 3/RX/RXD0: Any serial transmissions to the ESP8266 will interfere.
 *   * ESP-01 modules are tricky. We suggest you use a module with more GPIOs
 *     for your first time. e.g. ESP-12 etc.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRsend.h>

const uint16_t kIrLed = 4;  // ESP8266 GPIO pin to use. Recommended: 4 (D2).

IRsend irsend(kIrLed);  // Set the GPIO to be used to sending the message.

// Example of data captured by IRrecvDumpV2.ino
//uint16_t rawData[67] = {9000, 4500, 650, 550, 650, 1650, 600, 550, 650, 550,
//                        600, 1650, 650, 550, 600, 1650, 650, 1650, 650, 1650,
//                        600, 550, 650, 1650, 650, 1650, 650, 550, 600, 1650,
//                        650, 1650, 650, 550, 650, 550, 650, 1650, 650, 550,
//                        650, 550, 650, 550, 600, 550, 650, 550, 650, 550,
//                        650, 1650, 600, 550, 650, 1650, 650, 1650, 650, 1650,
//                        650, 1650, 650, 1650, 650, 1650, 600};

uint16_t rawData[257] = {516, 988,  478, 528,  476, 1014,  494, 530,  476, 530,  474, 1014,  516, 508,  498, 986,  520, 488,  520, 982,  490, 518,  516, 988,  500, 988,  520, 506,  500, 984,  518, 488,  520, 488,  518, 506,  500, 504,  500, 506,  498, 506,  442, 564,  514, 494,  522, 488,  516, 506,  500, 504,  500, 504,  500, 504,  486, 520,  516, 492,  520, 488,  520, 504,  500, 982,  518, 490,  522, 486,  520, 504,  500, 504,  500, 504,  500, 506,  486, 520,  516, 490,  520, 488,  518, 504,  500, 504,  500, 504,  500, 506,  474, 530,  520, 488,  520, 486,  518, 504,  500, 504,  500, 504,  500, 504,  416, 590,  514, 492,  520, 448,  566, 498,  498, 506,  500, 504,  500, 504,  476, 530,  488, 518,  518, 490,  520, 488,  516, 504,  500, 504,  500, 504,  500, 504,  416, 590,  514, 492,  520, 488,  518, 504,  500, 504,  500, 504,  500, 504,  500, 506,  486, 520,  516, 490,  520, 486,  518, 504,  500, 506,  500, 504,  500, 504,  418, 588,  514, 494,  518, 490,  518, 506,  500, 504,  500, 504,  500, 506,  498, 508,  484, 522,  516, 492,  518, 488,  518, 506,  500, 504,  500, 504,  500, 506,  416, 590,  488, 518,  518, 490,  518, 506,  498, 506,  498, 506,  498, 506,  498, 506,  418, 590,  516, 492,  518, 488,  516, 506,  498, 506,  498, 506,  498, 506,  418, 588,  488, 518,  516, 490,  516, 506,  498, 506,  498, 506,  498, 506,  476, 530,  416, 590,  514, 494,  518, 488,  516, 506,  498, 506,  498, 506,  498, 506,  418};  // UNKNOWN B4C0FCA9

//uint16_t rawData[257] = {510, 998,  544, 460,  544, 942,  562, 462,  544, 460,  542, 942,  536, 468,  538, 964,  508, 498,  534, 970,  542, 464,  544, 962,  520, 966,  534, 472,  536, 968,  542, 462,  508, 498,  534, 472,  538, 468,  536, 488,  518, 488,  516, 488,  542, 498,  504, 428,  564, 482,  532, 472,  534, 490,  514, 490,  514, 490,  514, 490,  544, 462,  508, 498,  530, 476,  532, 474,  532, 492,  512, 492,  512, 492,  512, 492,  544, 462,  506, 500,  528, 478,  530, 494,  510, 494,  510, 494,  512, 494,  542, 462,  508, 498,  526, 480,  528, 972,  544, 962,  508, 496,  508, 496,  510, 494,  544, 462,  524, 482,  524, 480,  526, 498,  506, 498,  506, 500,  506, 498,  544, 462,  522, 484,  524, 480,  524, 500,  504, 500,  504, 982,  524, 482,  522, 502,  502, 502,  504, 500,  504, 500,  544, 462,  544, 462,  546, 460,  520, 502,  504, 502,  502, 502,  504, 500,  540, 466,  544, 462,  546, 460,  546, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  506, 500,  542, 464,  544, 462,  546, 460,  542, 478,  526, 480,  526, 478,  504, 502,  508, 498,  542, 464,  546, 460,  544, 480,  526, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  504, 500,  540, 466,  542, 464,  546, 462,  544, 478,  524, 480,  526, 478,  526, 478,  506, 502,  538, 468,  542, 464,  544, 480,  524, 480,  526, 478,  526, 480,  502, 504,  504, 500,  540, 466,  544, 464,  542, 480,  524, 480,  524, 480,  524, 964,  542, 480,  600, 440,  488, 482,  524, 480,  504, 502,  534};  // UNKNOWN D8396229
//uint16_t rawData[257] = {536, 966,  544, 462,  506, 998,  512, 490,  516, 488,  544, 962,  514, 490,  516, 988,  514, 490,  512, 972,  530, 476,  530, 972,  510, 996,  514, 492,  512, 974,  532, 492,  512, 492,  510, 494,  510, 492,  544, 462,  506, 498,  528, 478,  530, 496,  510, 494,  508, 494,  508, 496,  544, 462,  524, 480,  526, 480,  526, 498,  508, 496,  506, 496,  508, 496,  544, 462,  542, 464,  524, 480,  526, 498,  506, 498,  506, 498,  508, 496,  540, 466,  542, 462,  522, 482,  524, 482,  524, 498,  504, 500,  504, 500,  504, 500,  542, 962,  506, 980,  526, 484,  520, 500,  504, 500,  504, 500,  506, 500,  542, 462,  546, 460,  546, 460,  522, 502,  502, 500,  504, 502,  502, 502,  508, 498,  544, 462,  544, 460,  546, 954,  542, 464,  544, 462,  546, 460,  562, 484,  504, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  504, 500,  542, 464,  546, 460,  544, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  504, 500,  540, 466,  542, 464,  546, 460,  544, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  526, 480,  506, 500,  540, 466,  544, 462,  544, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  502, 502,  506, 498,  540, 466,  544, 462,  544, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  504, 502,  538, 466,  542, 464,  544, 462,  542, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  526, 478,  506, 500,  538, 466,  544, 462,  542, 480,  524, 480,  524, 480,  524, 480,  504, 502,  506, 498,  540, 466,  544, 464,  542, 958,  508, 500,  544, 462,  542, 480,  524, 480,  524, 480,  524};  // UNKNOWN D8396229
//uint16_t rawData[257]={42330, 0, 512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 42330, 0, 512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 421, 23040, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 421, 0, 512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 42330, 0, 512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 421, 23040, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 421, 23040, 512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 42330, 0, 512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 421, 23040, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// Example Samsung A/C state captured from IRrecvDumpV2.ino
//uint8_t samsungState[kSamsungAcStateLength] = {
//    0x02, 0x92, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0,
//    0x01, 0xE2, 0xFE, 0x71, 0x40, 0x11, 0xF0};

void setup() {
#if ESP8266
  Serial.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, SERIAL_TX_ONLY);
#else  // ESP8266
  Serial.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1);
#endif  // ESP8266

void loop() {

 // irsend.sendNEC(0x00D8396229,32);
//  irsend.sendNEC(0x00D8396229);//0x00FFE01FUL
// irsend.sendGeneric(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0xD8396229,129,38,0,2,50);
//  Serial.println("Sony"); 
//  irsend.sendSony(0xa90, 12, 2);  // 12 bits & 2 repeats
//  delay(2000);
  Serial.println("a rawData capture from IRrecvDumpV2");
  irsend.sendRaw(rawData,257, 38);  // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
//  Serial.println("a Samsung A/C state from IRrecvDumpV2");
//  irsend.sendSamsungAC(samsungState);
//  delay(2000);

the same "raw data" is sent to gadget using an IR transmitter LED, its receive well.

So this works - where is your problem?

but when i send the hex code(0xD8396229) using different

protocol defines in the library(ESP8266IRremote-master), it does not work.
Why does this happen?

protocol tested,


irsend.sendSony(0x00D8396229, 129, 2);

Different protocols send different raw data for the same code.