Why won't time library work

Hi everyone, I am having a problem with trying to use time library with version 23 and 1.0
I have both of these on my computer and I can't seem to get any of them to work. I have unzipped the files and loaded the example on both versions but it doesn't seem to compile with either. Am I missing something here? I want to attempt to write a program using time alarms to turn on and off relays at different times. This example sketch is in the readme folder.

#include <Time.h>
#include <TimeAlarms.h>

void setup()
  setTime(8,29,0,1,1,11); // set time to Saturday 8:29:00am Jan 1 2011
  // create the alarms 
  Alarm.alarmRepeat(8,30,0, MorningAlarm);  // 8:30am every day
  Alarm.alarmRepeat(17,45,0,EveningAlarm);  // 5:45pm every day 
  Alarm.alarmRepeat(dowSaturday,8,30,30,WeeklyAlarm);  // 8:30:30 every Saturday 

  Alarm.timerRepeat(15, Repeats);            // timer for every 15 seconds    
  Alarm.timerOnce(10, OnceOnly);             // called once after 10 seconds 

void  loop(){  
  Alarm.delay(1000); // wait one second between clock display

// functions to be called when an alarm triggers:
void MorningAlarm(){
  Serial.println("Alarm: - turn lights off");    

void EveningAlarm(){
  Serial.println("Alarm: - turn lights on");           

void WeeklyAlarm(){
  Serial.println("Alarm: - its Monday Morning");      

void ExplicitAlarm(){
  Serial.println("Alarm: - this triggers only at the given date and time");       

void Repeats(){
  Serial.println("15 second timer");         

void OnceOnly(){
  Serial.println("This timer only triggers once");  

void digitalClockDisplay()
  // digital clock display of the time

void printDigits(int digits)
  if(digits < 10)

Might help if you told us what errors you were getting.

Er, do you have a clock chip? Or is the time always going to be 8:29:00am Jan 1 2011?

I do have a clock chip, I assumed (I know what that means) that the example would run under readme. Well another lesson learned. Just 1 more question, This should work as long as I am using a clock (rtc). Thank you for all your help.

What clock chip? How have you wired it in? What do you mean "run under readme"? No, it won't work because you are setting the time to 8:29:00am Jan 1 2011.