WiFi Bells using mobile app

Hey there!

I've been wanting to make an app that rings two or more bells over WiFi. I've figured that ESP8266 as the "bell modules" would be an easy way as they already have a WiFi module.

I'm not sure where to start though. Can the ESPs just connect to the WiFi and ring when they get their instruction to do so? Or do I need a separate "hub" that acts as a connector between the app and the ESPs?

I'm fairly new to this so I'll gladly accept any tips or suggestions on completely different methods of making this.

Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the forums! Yes, the ESP8266 can connect to your Wifi. An easy platform to control the ESP8266 is Blynk. That is where you can create the connection between your mobile app and the chip.

As for ringing a bell, it really depends on what is required to do so.