Wifi Rev2


How can I control WS2812B LEDs with the new Uno Wifi Rev2. The Fastled library does not work...

The WiFi rev. 2 is a very new product - it will take time for people to make libraries that work with it. I'm not aware of anyone having done so for the WiFi rev. 2

I wonder how hard it would be to hack FastLed or Adafruit Neopixel libraries to work with it - It's the same instruction set as AVR, so it might just be a matter of substituting in the correct registers to manipulate the pins in place of the ones used on classic AVRs.

But people have barely gotten their hands on these, and a brief perusal of the datasheet makes clear how profound the differences between classic AVRs and the new MegaAVR devices are.

Here's the relevant issue report for FastLED:

the developer died in a boat accident.

It's true that Dan Garcia, creator of this wonderful library has passed, but I think it's misleading to say "the developer". The FastLED library has 70 code contributors, and many more than that helping with the project by doing beta testing, support, documentation, etc. The library is still actively developed and maintained. The last commit to the master branch was on July 29th. So Dan Garcia's legacy certainly continues in this project.

The write up I read of the accident was horrific, the crew simply bailed out and left the customers sleeping on a burning boat. Is there anything I can use in lieu of the FastLED materials? And yes, FastLED is awesome.

Is there anything I can use in lieu of the FastLED materials?

Are you asking in regards to support for Uno WiFi Rev2? If so, try the Adafruit_NeoPixel library. From this comment:

It sounds like that library has theoretical support for The Uno WiFi Rev2 (note that the issue report where that comment happens to be is about megaAVR boards running at clock speeds other than 16 MHz, but the Uno WiFi Rev2 is 16 MHz so that bug report doesn't apply). I did a quick look through the merged Pull requests and didn't actually find anything that looked relevant, but there are also a bunch of horribly vague PR titles in there, so I could have easily missed it.

I will, thank you.

Just to update, YES the library you suggested does indeed work with wifi rev2. Oh what a relief!!! Thanks again.

You're welcome. Thanks for the update. It's good to know there is an addressable LED library for the standard megaAVR boards.

Hey guys, I recently wanted to switch my arduino Uno Neopixel project over to the new Uni WiFi Rev 2, but my program, as well as the basic examples (simple, strandtest, etc.) Do not work properly.

@sevenoutpinball, I saw that your comment says that the neopixel library DOES work with the WiFi Rev 2, so i was wondering if there were any tweaks or changes you had to make to get it to work?

I know its basically blasphemy to not post photos or schematics, as well as code, but i hope that the following pieces of information will cover all those bases:

  1. The examples (simple, strandtest) as well as my program, work perfectly fine on a standard arduino uno.
  2. Wiring is identical as i am using a proto shield, so i can just plop it onto either board easily.
  3. Only difference is standard uno vs wifi rev 2.
  4. Data pin is pin 6 (same for both boards).

The symptoms I see seem to be that timing on the data line is off (just a guess). I see the leds flicker, activate at the wrong time, and with the wrong colors. But when I put the Standard Uno back, all good.

I have added the Rev 2 with the arduino board manager, and left the settings unchanged (like 328 emulation)

Any information is appreciated!