Will this PCB work?

I am making an arduino uno r4 shield so I connected an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor to the schematics and this is how the pcb view looks. if i send this to a pcb manufacturer, will it work?

No traces yet, so no.

what are traces? are they tracks?

The conductors that allow current to flow.

Btw, if all you need to do is connect 3 pins of a single sensor, I wouldn't bother with a PCB. Just wire it up.

I have more things to add, just getting started to see if i was doing it correctly. Anyways, how about now?

  • Your traces are too narrow.
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? what does that mean? how big should it be

  • For the Ultrasonic Distance sensor, 25mil should suffice. (about 1mm)
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trace width or trace spacing?

  • Width


It'll work. Generally you want to make power traces a little wider, but on the specific sensor you're using, it would still work.

However, I'd recommend to read/watch some resources on PCB design. It's clear you're starting from scratch here and that's fine; we all need to start somewhere. But it's predictable that the next steps you're going to make will be riddled with a massive number of preventable mistakes if you do some research first.