Will this work?

Hi guys, sorry I'm a newbie and I'm trying to make a working RC car, that recieves signals from my raspberry pi using the HC-05 module. would this work? The cable plugging in is connected to 4 AA batteries (6v) but I don't know if that is enough. the motors are 3-6v.

Sorry, I know you guys are probably tired of dumb questions but if anyone can help me out that would be great. Cheers

Power the Arduino and radio separately from the motors and servos, and don't forget to connect all the grounds.

4xAA may not be able to provide enough current for two motors and two servos, but it is worth a try.

Example connections for one servo:

  • The motor driver 5v terminal should not connect to the Arduino 5v pin.
  • Since the motor controller is getting its motor voltage from the Arduino Vin pin and the motors are 3 to 6v, you need to rethink the driver connection to the motor voltage terminal.
    Arduino Vin needs to be 7 to 9v, hence you will need an external power supply.

  • If you make the driver motor voltage 6v, the on board 5v voltage regulator will not work properly. You would then need to remove the driver 5v jumper and power the driver 5v to the Arduino 5v pin.

  • You cannot, should not, just throw a wiring schematic at the wall thinking you will end up with a successful project.

do you have another way/idea to connect those parts? I didn't come up with this schematic or the wiring, a website called circuitio did. I just need those parts; 2 servo motors, L298N module with 2 DC motors, Hc-05 module all connected to the arduino, if I could know any other ways, preferably with 1 power supply, that would be great thanks
@LarryD @jremington

These "AI" web sites are a fraud.

Start with writing a program to make ONE servo work, see Post #2. Then, make the program run two servos.

Put that aside and write another program to run one DC motor. Then make the program run two DC motors.

Penultimate step: write code for the HC-05 to communicate... probably blink the LED_BUILTIN.

The final step is to introduce one device at a time to your HC-05 code and control each device as it is added.

Be sure to provide enough power for all devices to work properly.

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thanks, the only thing i don't understand is the providing enough power tho... how??

the motors are 3-6v

Hi! Welcome to the forum!

Do you already have this setup or you´re starting from scratch?

starting from scratch.. still waiting for parts to arrive

List your devices and read their datasheets (search: device datasheet power required)

  1. Arduino, 5v, 500 mA
  2. HC-05, (hopefully less than 40mA)
  3. Servo, SG90, 3.5-6VDC, Current max: 600 mA, Stall Torque:1.6kg/cm @ 6V
  4. Servo, same
  5. L298N, 3.2V ~ 40Vdc, 20W (about 2A)
  6. DC motor, TT, 3-6VDC, 160mA @ 250 RPM, 1.5 Amps stalled
  7. DC motor, same

Arduino needs 5vdc at 500mA (0.5A).
HC-05 will use Arduino's power (3v3 or 5v)
Servos need 5vdc at 600mA each, so 1.2A.
DC motors get power from the L298N.
L298N can use up to 40VDC at 2A and will supply 5vdc at 2A.
Servos and L298N add up to 3.5A... so call that 4A.

sorry i'm a lil confused...

so do i need 1 power supply or multiple? @xfpd

You can use one power supply to power them all (probably 5v at 4A).
You can use two (5v Arduino, HC-05, Servo x 2, other p.s. L298N)... ensure every device and power supply have the same ground potential/point.

[edit] The L298N take about 2V out of your power supply just to operate... so to power two 6vdc motors, you might want a P.S. around 8 to 9 vdc.

probably 5v at 4A

so can the 4xAA batteries work or what? and what is a P.S?

edit: oh ok power supply..

  • Do the two 3-6v motors need to be bidirectional ?

Read a datasheet for AA (also U7/D14) battery... it will be close enough to use in calculations
AA = 1.5v x 4 = 6vdc at 2A
Rechargeable AA = 1.2v x 4 = 4.8vdc at 2A.

Ok, so you´ve already bought them. If it was not the case, I would suggest you to choose another development board that already has all-in-one integrated features.

6V are the worst choice in my opinion because it´s too much to feed Arduino and HC-05 directly on its 5V pin and too low to feed the Arduino through its Vin pin.

I would add 1 or 2 more AA batteries (to get 7.5V or 9V) or change them to 2x18650 batteries to get 7.4V. They can feed Arduino (jack or Vin) and the L293N. You would need also a buck converter to get the 5V to the servos and choose to feed the HC-05 through the Arduino 5V pin or through the buck converter.

Isn't it too much? I see Uno In the picture, it consumes less than 100mA

  • If it's coming for the USB connector no, however, that means the Arduino power trace needs to be designed to carry the current and there may be an EMI situation.

  • As always, the Arduino is not a power supply.

Probably... I got that value off a datasheet results of testing as max current consumed by the Arduino board, not sourcing power to external devices. It was on the Arduino.cc web site for load testing the hardware/boards.

The official datasheet says "XX mA"... yes... "xx"

@Brazilino @xfpd
if u guys want the full voltage chart here it is.. from waht i know... these are from the amazon pages of the items

HC-05: 3.6-6v
DC motor: 3-6v
Servos: 6v
keep in mind I have 2 dc motors and 2 servos.
so my options are either to use 4x AA batteries for 6v or just plug in this adapter (or whatever its called) thats connected to my 9v battery... and what do I need to fix for the HC-05???