wireless Soil Sensor to Arduino


I have a project that asked me to use a Solar Panel Wireless Soil Sensor (edyn garden sensor) Picture is attached.
I need to connect between the sensor and the Arduino, so it will be reading from the sensor and be sent to Arduino, because the Arduino will be controlling a water pump that will work based on the Sensor reading.

My question is: how to connect the sensor will the arduino via wireless. I will be using Xbee.

Thank you..


So you want to take that off the shelf Wi-Fi sensor and hack it to make it an Xbee sensor?

The Home Depot reviews on that product are awful and it costs US$106.

For $106, I would consider buying or creating a purpose built Xbee product.

Are you wanting to hack it because the company no longer operates the Wi-Fi server service?

Soil moisture sensors are generally unreliable. Using one to automatically control a water pump could lead to serious problems.

At the very least you need several moisture sensors and to make decisions based on the combined readings.

Are you wanting to hack it because the company no longer operates the Wi-Fi server service?

I found this discussion because I have 2 of these sensors and a water valve that no longer work. Would love to hack them to make them useful again. @ee2019 have you opened these up yet? any luck on bypassing the the cloud service its trying to connect to?
