This thread is for listing Wokwi Custom Chips. If you use or know of any interesting ones, please post them here.
I use a couple Wokwi "custom chips" to test code by posters on the forum.
Two of my favorites are:,
They are both demonstrated in:
I often pull up that simulation up as a testbed and drop a poster's code in to see how things run.
Frequency Counter
I've just written my own Frequency Counter custom chip, as demonstrated here:
but I haven't yet packaged it in Github. It is packaged in Github here:
The Frequency Counter can detect up to 8MHz from an simulated Uno, and the code in the sketch demonstrates a few methods of pulse generation.
Custom Frequency Counter chip example for Wokwi. -- Using -- Using tabbed files
built from
Start the simulation. The green LED shows the output of the inverter.
The frequency counts show up in the Serial monitor.
For more information on custom chips:
#include "TimerHelpers.h" // // to configure PWM
const int scheme = 6; // 0..8 Choose one 0 is slowest range, 6 is fastest, 8 is variable
const unsigned long Period = 1000; // 0..? keep lower than 16k for delayMicrosecond() modes
unsigned long varPeriod = Period; //
const byte PIN = 9; // this is OC1A (timer 1 output compare A) for sharing with PWM modes
void setup() {
pinMode(PIN, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
switch (scheme) {
case 0: // millisecond period with divided delay()
digitalWrite(PIN, LOW);
delay(Period / 2); // 50%
digitalWrite(PIN, HIGH);
delay(Period - Period / 2); // Compliment of 50% to deal with odd numbers and zeros
case 1: // microsecond period with divided delayMicroseconds()
digitalWrite(PIN, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(Period / 2);
digitalWrite(PIN, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds(Period - Period / 2);
case 2: // microsecond period direct port manipulation
PORTB &= ~bit(1);
delayMicroseconds(Period / 2);
PORTB |= bit(1);
delayMicroseconds(Period - Period / 2);
case 3: // PINx toggle in loop()
PINB = bit(1);
case 4: // PINx toggle, one cycle unrolled per loop()
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
case 5: // unrolled PINx toggle to reduce loop() overhead
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
PINB = bit(1);
case 6: // PWM output
static bool init6 = false;
if (!init6 ) {
init6 = true;
case 7: // broken PWM output
static bool init7 = false;
if (!init7 ) {
init7 = true;
set8MHz(1); // alternate
case 8: // variable 0-Period millis
static int lastA0 = -1;
int potVal = analogRead(A0);
if (potVal != lastA0) { // change detect pot
varPeriod = map(potVal, 1023, 0, 0, Period);
lastA0 = potVal;
digitalWrite(PIN, LOW);
delay(varPeriod / 2);
digitalWrite(PIN, HIGH);
delay(varPeriod - varPeriod / 2);
static bool initDefault = false;
if (!initDefault) {
initDefault = true;
Serial.print("unsuppored scheme: ");
void set8MHz(const byte scheme) {
TCCR1A = 0; // reset timer 1
TCCR1B = 0;
// set up Timer 1
TCNT1 = 0; // reset counter
if (scheme == 0) { // 8MHz one way:
OCR1A = 1; // compare A register value //
// WGM 15: FastPWM with TOP=OCR1A
Timer1::setMode (15, Timer1::PRESCALE_1, Timer1::SET_A_ON_COMPARE);
else if (scheme == 1) { // 8MHz the other way // Doesn't work on Wokwi
OCR1A = 0; // compare A register value //
// WGM 15: FastPWM with TOP=OCR1A
Timer1::setMode (15, Timer1::PRESCALE_1, Timer1::TOGGLE_A_ON_COMPARE);
Page 103 of
A frequency (with 50% duty cycle) waveform output in fast PWM mode can be achieved by setting OC1A to toggle its logical
level on each compare match (COM1A1:0 = 1). This applies only if OCR1A is used to define the TOP value
(WGM13:0 = 15). The waveform generated will have a maximum frequency of fOC1A = fclk_I/O/2 when OCR1A is set to zero
(0x0000). This feature is similar to the OC1A toggle in CTC mode, except the double buffer feature of the output compare
unit is enabled in the fast PWM mode.
The Wokwi custom chip API is documented in the:
...which has lots of examples. However, if you're looking for a non-official custom chip, it can be hard to find. Googling for them, you can often find broken implementations, or old implementations of them.
If you've written or use interesting Wokwi custom chips, feel free to post about them here.
See also:
The Wokwi Custom Chip documentation has numerous examples.
PWM Analyzer Chip - Wokwi ESP32, STM32, Arduino Simulator -- Urish: PWM freq and duty analyzer
UnoScope - Wokwi ESP32, STM32, Arduino Simulator -- An implementation of Dlloyd's Scope (also measures frequencies)
Discord -- thread on Discord about custom chip development