Hi everybody! I am working on something using I2C oled screens, 128x32, 0.91".
Basically, the only things displayed are
- full white screen
- white filled square on the center
Depending on the sensor value the toggling between them will become faster or slower.
Problem is that if I toggle between them too fast, there is some very ugly artifacts, specially when showing the full white. Here is a video (looks a little worse on video but live its actually pretty bad)
So what I would like to know is
First, is it even possible to get a clean toggling between these screen configurations having intervals between them from 100ms to less, using these OLED 128x32 screens?
If yes, what can I do to get there?
Use SPI instead of I2C?
Get a better quality screen? Im using these https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B085C67PF1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Is there anythig to be improved on the code part? Im using Adafruit_GFX.h and Adafruit_SSD1306.h libraries. Here is the code
void loop() {
display.fillRect(0, 0, display.width(), display.height(), SSD1306_WHITE); // arg0-1: top left corner ----- arg2-3: width, height
display.fillRect(cr_xStart, 0, centerRectSize , display.height(), SSD1306_WHITE);
Or any other ideas? Maybe not Oled... I dont know.
Overall, it should be black and white, have the aspect similar to 128x32, and not be so much bigger than 1 inch (0.91" is perfect actually but if its a little bigger would also work, maintaning a similar aspect)
Thank you very much!