Write/Read Struct {} to i2c eeprom

Hi, I have I2C EEPROM - 256k Bit (24LC256) - COM-00525 - SparkFun Electronics that eeprom. My intention is to save a serial and a full football/soccer align with stats, at the moment I know write and read position by position only the eeprom, but I dont find information about writing full data structures, and if possible, how to read them secuentially since the sizeof the struct may vary... Is that possible? maybe i should switch to flash memory? i dont have so much spare wires...

sorry about ortography since thats not my mother-languaje. Thanks

check - Arduino Playground - LibraryForI2CEEPROM - might help :wink:

my issue is that sizeof of struct may change so maybe i could introduce some control characters to split the whole data? :S

other problem is that Im worried how i can handle so much content in ram. will arduino uno work with 20kb?

my issue is that sizeof of struct may change

You need to show your struct, then. Normally, structs should not change size based on an instance of the struct. That is, all instances should be the same size.

will arduino uno work with 20kb?

Internal or external?

Now i realize that the struct size is not a problem, you are right (too much non declarative programming languages) excuse me

About the data extracted from the eeprom must be available for modify so, I need load in ram or read it several times, thing i dont wanna do because of the w/r cicles of the eeprom itself so my idea is read it in the setup and write it in one menu option with the changes (i wonder if it would be possible, thats my first time working with eeprom :astonished:

You can read from EEPROM any number of times. The minimum guaranteed number of write cycles is 100,000. In order to guarantee that number, the actual number of write cycles that can be performed must be much higher.

How often do you need to edit this data? That's a lot of cycles for each cell.

Well, the project is a football/soccer manager, the players(name, stats...) and serial of the game are on the eeprom. So at least one time you power up the videogame (if it where possible to charge in ram) or any time you change the aligned players, get a new player, equip him with items... That´s a lot of times. Possibly more eeprom use than a datalogger...

So at least one time you power up the videogame (if it where possible to charge in ram) or any time you change the aligned players, get a new player, equip him with items... That´s a lot of times.

Perhaps an SD card would be more appropriate, then. You could even transfer an SD card to a PC for analysis of the data, if desired.

I'd look at using external EEPROM for this project. Easier to replace if it wears out.

Though 100,000 changes to each and every byte is an awful lot of changes.

Im using external eeprom :smiley: and I expect being able to rewrite it from internet backup. Will make some tries and will be back to tell you how things are going :smiley: thanks