Wrong joystick values

Hey, my joystick does not return the right values.
at first the values of the X axis were right, but the Y started at resting position 0 (instead of 512). The rangr og Y was0-512. not even less then 0.

tried to calibrate it' and now the whole joystick returns odd values(both X and Y).

any ideas?
(in my joystick, the X is connected to A2 and Y to A1)

thats my code:

int xpin = A2;
int ypin = A1;
int xval;
int yval=512;

void setup() {
pinMode(xpin , INPUT);
pinMode(ypin , OUTPUT);

void loop() { 
yval = analogRead(ypin);

Serial.print("X: ");
Serial.print(" y: ");


i using the calibration from here:

Are you sure. ???

Try :
pinMode(xpin , INPUT);
pinMode(ypin , INPUT);

thank you!
tried everything and it was so simple.

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