Hi, do you know if it's necessary to use X-XTU program before using two xbee modules on ArduinoXbee 1.1? I'm adopting 2 arduino 2009, 2 ArduinoXbee 1.1, 1 "xBee pro series2" and 1 "Xbee series 2". Trying to run the the http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/ArduinoXbeeShield example nothing happen. I am supposing it's because I have adopted series2 but now I am a little bit lost. Can anyone help me plese? Thank in advance!
Yes, you need to use X-CTU to configure the XBees. One needs to be set as coordinator. The other needs to be set as an end device.
There may be other things that need to be configured, too.
There was a thread a month or so ago where someone posted detailed instructions to get 2 Series 2 modules configured to talk to each other.
Happy hunting.