I want to interface the Xbee Shield to a Polulu Orangutan LV-168. What shield pins do I need to connect to the Orangutan? Shield Pins 0/1 (RX/TX), GND, and AREF? I'm a newb to this so I may have made a wrong assumption that led me to buy the Xbee Shield. Since it has a 3.3v regulator, can I connect 5v to the shield? And does that 5v come into the Shield board on the AREF pin? If not, how does the shield get powered?
Hi -
Thanks for your quick reply. That schematic is (I think) v1.1 of the shield and I have v2.0. Though probably no diff in what I'm asking about.
But you're right, I should be able to see what from the Arduino connects to what on the shield. But that's why I'm posting the question, it's not obvious to a newb.
The shield has 16 pins across the top that line up with the digital pins of the arduino and then 6 that line up with analog. (see img below). And then 6 more that connect to the ICSP.
Pins 0/1 connect to rx/tx. Gnd lines up with gnd. I'm unclear on where the shield gets power. The only thing that I can see is AREF which is analog ref. Is this what powers the shield? I think AREF is by default 5v.
You should only need to connect the tx/rx pins and power. The shield takes power and provides a reset button from the ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) connector.
On the shield next to the ICSP connector there are a couple of holes marked GND and 5V you can solder a 2 pin header into if that would be any easier.
An alternative to the shield is the XBee Adapter kit from adafruit. It's a nicer form factor to deal with if you don't need a shield.